Level 1, Level 1/791 Canning Highway, Applecross WA
High Profile / Great Customer Parking
Amazing opportunity to secure this large lease with great exposure to Canning Highway and great customer parking!
This first level and mezzanine tenancy is mainly open plan with a kitchenette, store room and excellent amenities including male and female change rooms.
Mezzanine level has small reception area and two separate offices.
Great customer parking with 8 car bays available for customers and further 3 hour free parking in the council car park at the rear.
This has previously been a gym for years but would be suitable for most businesses including health and fitness, allied health or office space.
• 285M2
• Air-conditioning
• Great Parking
• Large M/F Bathrooms
• Separate Kitchen area
Contact the SALT Leasing Team
Andrew Shue
This first level and mezzanine tenancy is mainly open plan with a kitchenette, store room and excellent amenities including male and female change rooms.
Mezzanine level has small reception area and two separate offices.
Great customer parking with 8 car bays available for customers and further 3 hour free parking in the council car park at the rear.
This has previously been a gym for years but would be suitable for most businesses including health and fitness, allied health or office space.
• 285M2
• Air-conditioning
• Great Parking
• Large M/F Bathrooms
• Separate Kitchen area
Contact the SALT Leasing Team
Andrew Shue
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Andrew Shue
Commercial Manager
Office: 0893163911 Mobile: 0402733140 Email: commercialmanager@saltproperty.com.au Contact AndrewSend a message to ABOUT THIS PROPERTY
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